Judy Hopps Free Rig
Judy Hopps Free Rig free 3D model
Judy Hopps Rig
The puppet is been created using the amazing Rapid Rig Modular.
I have created this to present my Face Rigging script the "FemtoRig" which I have developed with in the past 2 years its perfect combination of the art and the technology it generates highly advanced feature film quality rigs that are equivalent to Pixar's and Disney’s rigs that`s why i have chosen Juddy Hopps to show it`s functionality .it has been used in production many times first in the first 3d season of Bakkar my team and I have rigged more than 120 characters by FemtoRig and also the second season with the same number of characters,
What does the script do?
1.it creates 2 types of modules
Ceneric Modules and Generic modules
The Centric module shares a microcontroller in it and it has to be for both sides it`s ideal for (Mouth, Nose ....etc).
The Generic Module doesn't share any microcontrollers between the right and lift the side and it can be a single side it`s ideal for (eyebrows, cheeks ..etc).
all the modules can have submodule (Upper and lower ) to use it for eyelids or the upper and lower moth lib.
Each module has 3 kinds of controllers.
A) The main controller which moves the whole Module,
B) The macro controller that creates the main shapes and expressions, C) Microcontroller which gives you a high level of control on your face
the macro controllers control the micro ones with weights the scripts do the initial weights with a vector-math which I have rote to get the accurate wights for each microcontroller then it pules this value back on each microcontroller to let you adjust what you need
2. The microcontrollers are seamlessly moving with the model deformation even if its blend shapes without any active blend shapes
3. Smart skinning tools make the skinning process very easy and fast you will find the skin the joint based rig so easy
4.Saving and loading skinning weights for multiple objects at once
5.Transferring skinning between objects or even just a portion of an object to another portion for another object
Judy Hopps Rig Features
1.Joint based rig.
2.single hierarchy chain "can be exported to any game engine"
3.No blend shapes or corrective blendShapes
4.Two-level of controllers Macro Controllers and Microcontrollers
5.selector GUI for the body and the face
6.Mirror capabilities
7.can be mapped into humanIK
8.seamless IK FK switch
9.fleshy eyes
10.sliding function for eyelids
11.scalable rig and you can scale the head separately and everything will work just as expected
12.Toon arm and legs with Flexi controllers
13.No Plugins Required
14.Soft Ik
15.Elbow/Knee Pinning and Sliding
16.Hybrid Ik Fk Spine